Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Blog has Landed!

Welcome ladies and gentlemen! I'm Aleksi "The Rolling Resistor" and this is my cycling blog. I will be sharing my life as a newbie roadie with you. You will read stories of my rides and goals, among other things. Over all you will get to know me better and hopefully we learn a thing or two about road bicycling together. So pump your tires, buckle up your lid, and lets get ready to ride!

How it Began

         I first encountered road cycling back in 2006 as a 10 year old when my dad started riding. I was never really interested in it, in fact I thought it was insane that people "enjoyed" riding bikes with skinny tires for long distances. Plus they were perched on top of even skinner saddles; in uncomfortable looking positions, wile wearing goofy, colorful, and skin tight spandex!   

You see I was never an athletic kid, but time passed and I started to train on a rowing machine to whip myself into some kind of shape; I realized that I liked it and got into a routine. Slowly I improved my endurance (no more chubby kid) and I set a goal to row one million meters by end of the year 2011. After reaching that lofty goal (least in my standards) I began accompanying my dad once in a while for rides with his commuter bike. Fifteen miles here and there; maybe twenty a few times too, and that same realization hit again that this is not too bad. I enjoyed the challenge and the change of motion from the rowing machine; plus kids like me should get more fresh air anyways.

After getting a little dose of cycling, my dad bought me my first road bike August 4th; it's a slightly used, middle of the pack, 2011 full carbon Cannondale with 105's. Man its fast compared to the commuter rig, and she's a cool green color too; kinda reminds me of a Lamborghini. In the near month and a half I have had the new ride I have been putting 350 miles on the clock.

Before getting the road bike my buddy Alexander also joined us for few rides with a borrowed road bike. He is a natural in any sport, so he picked cycling up really fast, and ended up buying the bike he was using. Then shortly after his younger brother Nick wanted to try riding too and he ended up getting a beautiful red AG, so this only added to my interest. Since then the boys dad Mark "The Frog" (I'll explain the nick name later) and mom Johanna also got bikes, so we have a small friendly newbie peloton going on here.

Our additional normal crew members we ride with is Jari, he is the guy Alex got his bike from (maybe that’s why Alex is so fast, some of Jari's speed may have stuck on the ol' Trek). Jari got into riding a few years back with my dad, and he has never looked back since. In fact he rides at least 7000 miles a year and only knows two speeds fast and faster. Jari also doesn't have the word "recovery ride" in his vocabulary; so if your expecting him to slow down, I would recommend shooting his tires. Jari's wife Tarja also joins us.

Alexander is in more of Jari's caliber so most of the time the "flying duo" wings with the faster groups, while the rest of us dilly dally, and pant.
Sure we ride in a slower pack, but we are getting better, faster, and stronger.....

One more thing, my dad has been slacking on the riding this year some what and needed a jump start to get going again, so as a good son I had to help him of the sofa and back to the road again and off course soon as he did get back to riding routine he get's this crazy idea and starts planning a century ride for all of us! Century as in a 100 miles of bicycling in one single day!

So my first cycling goal that I was sweet talked into, is this century ride in Gainesville Oct.27th. We will meet my uncle Jim there; as they live in that area. Jim is an old ironman so if noting else works he can pull us to finish. Hopefully in one piece, with out the saddles stuck to our behinds. 

Well I better get of the keyboard and start training as we have long way to go and short time to get there......

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