Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cycling Club Has Arrived!

Hey friends, It's good to be back from the rush of life! Sadly however, I haven't taken the time to free myself from the commotion of the world, and take a nice, relaxing bike ride like my usual schedule permits me to. Between all the school work, projects, and work (Don't worry I manage to squeeze some goofing off and fun in there somewhere,) I've still continued to get some exercise though, but not by the preferred method of pedaling. I've gotten back on to the Concept 2 rowing machine for some mean 20 to 30 minute workouts, and I've definitely noticed how cycling has really improved my rowing. I'm able to get a much more powerful pull due to the strengthening of my leg muscles from all the cycling, and the long term endurance gained from cycling has really improved my rowing endurance; I can pull 2:15 consecutively for several minutes now. A good rowing work out only takes quarter of the time my bike rides take so that's also a plus, but I don't want to get to lazy now and start taking the quicker easier way out of exercising,  because I'm enough of a Rolling Resistor already.

Thankfully the opportunity has surfaced for me to have an easier time keeping my cycling schedule along with everything else, a cycling club has begun forming at my school! My buddy Stephen who's a cycling enthusiast found some teachers at school who were interested in supporting this club because they cycle themselves, and I couldn't have been happier because previously I thought the idea of a cycling club was just a bit to far fetched. We have big plans now for infusing some cycling culture into OAPB by purchasing road bikes so we can supply riders who don't own a road bike, and so students who have never tried road biking can get their first spin. We've held our first club meeting in Mr. Baio's room (yes, Mr. Baio is a cyclist.... and Mr. Redrow is a cyclist who needs a road bike,) and we just discussed fund raising plans and sponsorships so we can attain everything a cyclist needs at my school. I'm not exactly sure how we are going to be able to pull it off, but let's just say I'm probably going to be knocking at your house trying to sell you a chocolate bar, or some various types of cookies. The meeting was rather fast, and we still need to plan an actual official day to meet consistently, but for now it's just baby steps. It's going to be a pretty cool sight to see an OAPB peloton cruising down A1A with matching jerseys and all that cool stuff, but we also have yet to decide where we will even be riding and what are training plans will be. I'm thinking that we will probably need to take it easy and build everyones riding up, and maybe even plan for an event to train for. There's infinite possibilities, and we have a blank paper filling up with plans for Oxbridge history, so if your reading this and your a student at OAPB, feel free to give us some suggestions and let us know if your interested in joining the Oxbridge Cycling Club! Other wise, I'll be keeping you updated on the progress of our club, and my own personal training as next week I will be making time for some riding!

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