Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Jam Packed Week

It's been about 2 weeks since I've last done a bike ride, now thats despicable! I've been even busier than last week, but I guess that's one of those things you can count on in life, business. I've had a lot of "good busy" though these past 7 days or so, and I've made a connection that life changes as soon as you get a car and a license, you begin to need gas money; and fast. so the result of this phenomenon is me, the rolling resistor, acquiring a job.

That is how my life has turned from busy, to crazy; and the reason behind my lack of riding. I've been spending my week days training at my job, I'm being taught how to place orders and and answer phones at City Pizza at the notorious City Place. Pretty cool place to be working at huh? I bet you figured the Rolling Resistor would end up working at a pizza place, what a cliché! Now I'm in for double the battle, fighting to not eat excessive amounts of pizza and food during work, and trying to keep up my biking routine.

We'll see how that works out, I'm hoping for some balance. Besides work, I've had some projects for school, and I've been focusing on my studies as well; as I take the honor of studying at Oxbridge Academy seriously. Another major event that happened this week is the arrival of some special family friends, Jimmy Svensson, Peter Svensson and Johan Laire, these guys came all the way from Sweden. I figured I'd give you an update on my life, since I don't have many cycling stories to tell you today. Well I did manage to squeeze one ride in this busy schedule, this Saturday morning, and it certainly was a special one, because we had a guest rider, Jimmy!

This Swede has been cycling now for about a year, but has been off of his bike for some time now due to a serious injury on his toe. I'm not lying, this viking had a 50 pound metal tool fall on the big toe of his right foot during work. Thankfully his toe has healed enough to bike now, so he joined us for our usual morning ride, with a rental bike. I kinda under estimated Jimmy, I figured with an injury like that, and not riding consistently would make him a weak rider. I was wrong though, Jimmy had a blast leaving us in the dust, he was cruising right behind Jari, keeping 18mph on his clock against the wind! I was appalled, and trying to catch my breath from fighting to keep up. I was feeling a bit sluggish during the ride since getting back into the biking routine is tougher than I remember. I ended up leaving the gang to go at my own pace for the last 4 miles, giving me a total of 26 miles that morning. The crazy viking gang, racked in 30 miles, and was feeling great to get out and enjoy the smooth Florida asphalt. Peter, and Johan followed us around in their rental car, being our support vehicle to cheer us on; they had a great time admiring the beautiful A1A scenery.

Uh oh! I'm still not used to this whole going to work deal, I've gotta run to make it on time! I'll be back next week with some more stories (If I have the time to ride) until then, take it easy , and have fun!

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